Originally uploaded by figandwasp
Rachel Weeks, President of School House Apparel, based in Durham, NC
Rachel Weeks, President of School House Apparel, based in Durham, NC
An older photo of my dear friend playing with Carolina Music Band, based in Asheville, NC
Beautiful Hale baby. Such a ham, too. She makes my job easy.
Diego and David at a recording session for Crystal Bright & the Silver Hands
Our soon-to-be temporary roommate, Joanie. Don't mess with this woman.
Kelly from the Greensboro pop-punk trio, The Nondenoms.
Another shot of the lovely Ms. Crystal playing the saw.
Performing at WE Fest 2010 in Wilmington, NC. David has been recording their first demo, and several of them will be performing at our reception next weekend. Who's psyched? Yeah, me.