Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Aaaaaaaand FIRE.

I take so many freaking pictures of fire dancers/breathers/etc. This is only the tiniest surface scratch, and not the best I've ever taken. There will surely be more.

The legendary Sneaky McFly:


Chris A.:


And little me, the least skilled of the lot:

Logos Music Intro

I really, deeply regret that I don't have a good photo of the abso-fucking-lutely beautiful costume and makeup job I did on Andor for his CD release back in March.

This one is from Genesis 2012, a horrible trance festival late this past April that Andor was asked to play sortof last minute. IMHO, he and Jessie Spainhour (and a couple of others who played during the daytime) were by far the most interesting things happening. I think that I'm a hopeless case for my friends' attempts to convert me to the gospel of psy-trance. Ain't he sexy?

There should be plenty more of these in my future since I am taking it upon myself to be his personal fashion/image consultant, publicity assistant, and general rock star-in-the-making sidekick. I've been with a lot of musicians and aspiring artists of different sorts, but never one I so completely believe in. His talent, focus, and sense of adventure all make this guy someone I want to follow around and help however I can, hopefully for the rest of my life.

Check him out at Alternately, if you're lucky enough to be headed to Burning Man this year, you can catch his set around 1:00 am Saturday (or as most of us calculate, Friday night) on the Esplanade at the Sacred Spaces camp. He'll also be touring with Clan Destiny Circus later this summer. I'm not sure about show dates just yet, but that's okay because nobody reads this blog anyway!

Adventures with Face Paint

Here are a few things I've done in the last couple of months. First, Miss Katy:

And Taija:

And Andor:

And Phill:

These are some of the photos I got too frustrated to finish posting yesterday. This catches us up a tiny bit more...

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Returning After So, So Long.

Let's skip all the formalities about how I haven't written in this journal for a very long time. A lot has happened, so let's get straight to summary.

I've been living in Asheville again for three years now. David and I broke up last year and will be finalizing our divorce soon. It was complicated for a while, but now it's not.

I finally quit smoking.

I am now almost eleven weeks pregnant with my boyfriend Andor's child. How and why we decided to have a baby is another story entirely. It's weird news to tell anyone who knows me well since I had NEVER wanted children before I met him. Anyway, we're prepping for this next adventure a little bit every day.

What made me think about returning to writing here is the fact that I am headed to Philadelphia next weekend for a very unique sort I expect to have photos and stories to share from my experiences at the Occupy convention, where Clan Destiny Circus will be performing on the street and campaigning for the Circus Party.

I am psyched.

I was going to post a bunch of photos of things I've been up to, but Blogger fucked up my formatting and I am so frustrated I can't really deal with it again. I'll be back soon.