Tuesday, September 22, 2009

La Coiffure, le Cheval, et la Maison

The latest from BibliOdyssyey is a brilliant overview of satirical drawings and etchings from the 18th century, all about the enormous and elaborate high-class hairstyles that English ladies were attempting to copy from equally ridiculous French ladies on the other side of the pond.

Apparently, though, the ship-buried-in-hair was no joke. Women really did this. The accompanying article at BibliOdyssey is rather fascinating, if you want to know more.

Here's a very bizarre one from a collection of old prints on the theme of horse anatomy. You can see the entire 2006 post it comes from here.

Which reminds me...I am really looking forward to moving into a new place and starting to decorate. I have had a major itch to nest for a long time now, ever since everything in my life got yanked up by the roots when I left Asheville. Actually, it was probably happening before that, since I never fully moved in to the house in the woods--as soon as I had started settling in there, I was uncomfortable. Then I fell in love with someone who lived three hours away. Anyhow, it has been a long time since I have lived anywhere where I felt present, like it was in any way intelligent or even psychologically possible to get attached. But when I start making things for my walls, I want a big miscellaneous frame cluster stretching across a corner with things like this in the frames.

This light, spritzy rain is lovely. 

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