Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Re-vision Explained/Disclaimer

I haven't posted here in a long time, mostly because I could never figure out a unifying concept for this space, and I got discouraged along the way somewhere. Life has changed in significant ways since I tried blogging the first time, and it is bound to change a lot more. I have had a major move, a trip to Central America, an extended period of poverty, and a career shift since then, not to mention falling in love. But I think it is time to come back and try again. I have deleted a few things and changed the domain name.

This time, I intend to embrace miscellany. For example, the 'quit smoking' thread will appear alongside any other posts, but it is the expression of a separate writing goal. I may often want to use this space the way many do, as a list of stuff I like on the web. Sometimes it may be recipes or songs or relics from different projects (David and I have been very industrious little creatrons lately). I would also be interested in any participation, collaboration, or tag-team blogging that anyone may fancy, so do send me a message if you have ideas.

I also would like to be less shy about writing things I am scared the wrong people may read. Furthermore, people who touch the lives of chronic writers must understand that they may at some point be written about, and I must keep in mind that no one ever likes what anyone has written about them and say to hell with it. Maybe we could all stand to be a bit more honest with each other. Besides, it's not as if I won't give readers plenty of opportunities to judge me, if they choose. I can commit to be at least as harsh with myself as I am with anyone else.

Another issue entirely is the fact that I am a teacher, and anything I say could result in public crucifixion. There is a long cultural history in our country of holding teachers to puritanical standards of conventional morality. It doesn't help matters, I'm sure, that I happen to be an unshaven anarcha-feminist who enjoys her sexuality and thinks that the word 'fuck' is one of the most useful terms in our language. So, if any of my students have ended up here, enjoy it at your own risk, and try to have a bit of perspective. Keep in mind that freedom of speech is a delicate abstraction that we have to actively defend and exercise, and that I am a real person with a home and a life and some not-so-tidy thoughts, just like you.

It's great to be back. Fall should be very interesting this year.

A. C.

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